Short Film Competition: 70 Years Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Institute for Art in Public Space Styria in cooperation with ORF Steiermark

Due date: 31. August 2018
70 Years Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Open, single-stage project competition held by the Institute for Art in Public Space
Styria in cooperation with ORF Steiermark for an artistic short film
The commemorative year 2018 also recalls the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 at the Palais de
Chaillot in Paris. Its thirty articles are seen as non-binding recommendations of the United
Nations. As such the Declaration is not a source of law and thus not enforceable.
Based on the Virginia Declaration of Rights from 1776 and the Declaration of the Rights of
Man and of the Citizen from 1897, it constitutes an attempt to formulate universal basic
rules for human society. According to information of the Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights, it has been translated into 460 languages and is thus one of the most
translated documents.

Closely linked to the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the
Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others adopted in 1949, whose International Day for the
Abolition of Slavery takes place on 2 December 2018, the 70th anniversary of the signing
of the Declaration of Human Rights will be celebrated on 10 December 2018.
To mark the 25th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, the City of Graz decided
to name a Platz der Menschenrechte (Square of Human Rights) in 1973, and in 2011 the city
declared itself the first European City of Human Rights. This is not a honorary title but a
mission in which the city undertakes voluntarily to adhere to certain criteria.
Agreed in the wake of the atrocities of two world wars, the Declaration has lost nothing of
its relevance given contempt for humanity, annihilation of human life, and megalomania.
War, forced displacement, torture and terror, but equally ignorance about other people,
lack of understanding, and the resulting failure to observe or the resulting disregard for
human rights are realities that constantly need to be tackled.
In this context, the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria in cooperation with ORF
Steiermark is holding a short film competition.
The film entries are intended to refer to the nature, purpose, history and current relevance
of the Declaration of Human Rights and to convince the TV audience.
Although aware of widespread ignorance of the Declaration, the aim of the competition is
not simply to recite familiar articles, but instead to draw attention to the subject and
examine general phenomena of failing to observe and disregarding human rights despite
the great human capacity for empathy.
An expert panel will select a total of 1–3 winning films.

Prize-money: 1st prize: €5000.-
2nd prize: €3000.-
3rd prize: €2000.-
Short Film Competition “70 Years Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
Institute for Art in Public Space Styria in cooperation with ORF Steiermark

Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Current relevance
Artistic quality
The content should convince the TV audience

REQUIREMENTS (short version):
Duration: max. 30 seconds
Format suitable for broadcasting (16:9, HD)
MP-4 movie

Find definite requirements in the announcement/terms of condition or at
  More information